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Tales of Tails: Heartwarming Stories of Families Who Found Furry Bliss with Florida Goldens

Tales of Tails: Heartwarming Stories of Families Who Found Furry Bliss with Florida Goldens

At Florida Goldens, we believe that every family deserves the joy and companionship that a furry friend brings. In this heartwarming blog post, we're thrilled to share the incredible stories of families who welcomed a new member into their homes through our trusted services. These tales of tails showcase the unique bonds formed and the happiness that blossomed when these families chose a canine companion from our lovingly raised litters.

Louie & Max: Turning a House into a Home:

For Summer, her home was not complete without the pitter-patter of not just four, but 12 little paws. Yes, 12!  After discovering Florida Goldens, Summer was able to find her forever friends – loyal and gentle souls who transformed her living space into a warm and welcoming home. Join Summer as she recounts the joy of discovering the unique personality and unwavering loyalty of her new family members!

 “In 2023 we added two mini F1B golden doodles to our family!  We have had a Maltipoo named Layla for 6 years & always wanted her to have a brother.  Little did we know we would be getting two within the same year. In January of 2023 is when we picked up Louie & after falling in love with Louie & moving into our first home in June….we decided in July of 2023 to get Max (from the same parents as Louie).  So now we have 3 dogs & our home couldn’t be more filled with love.  These boys from Florida Goldens are the SWEETEST, most cuddly, most playful & overall happy dogs. They get along with children, other dogs & everyone they cross paths with. I want all the golden doodles!!!


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